
LOQR Contingency Plan

Author LOQR

At LOQR, the health and safety of our employees, customers and partners are paramount. Due to the worldwide extension of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have activated our Contingency Plan to protect our community and to ensure that our activity carries on without a hitch.

For that reason, since the 9th of March, LOQR enabled remote work for all its employees.

All of our meetings (both internal and external) are taking place via video call or by phone and all the non-critical events were cancelled or postponed.

As expected, this first week unfolded as normally as possible, given the necessary adaptations, and we would like to thank our incredible team, who tirelessly made themselves available to ensure that all daily activities were carried out and successfully concluded.

We will continue to work hard to ensure the level of performance characteristic of LOQR’s Platform and will keep a close eye on the measures and recommendations announced, updating our Contingency Plan whenever it’s necessary.