
LOQR obtains ISO 27001 Certification 

Author LOQR

We’re very happy to announce that LOQR has completed its ISO 27001 certification, covering its Security Operations Center and production service delivery infrastructure. Protecting sensitive information and preventing cyberattacks should be a priority in any organization, as data breaches have increased over the years. Statistics show that the number of data breaches at corporations was up more than 68% in 2021, beating the previous record set in 2017, by 23%. 

Those numbers only support the importance of keeping training. That is why this certification is an important milestone for the company, which has always viewed security and its best practices as a top priority.  

To understand a bit more about ISO 27001 and data security, we asked some questions to Pedro Borges, Chief Operating Officer, and Gonçalo Hermenegildo, Head of Security.  

What is ISO 27001?  

ISO 27001 is the international standard for information security, recognized worldwide as the de-facto reference for effective risk-based management of the information an organization generates, stores and processes. By achieving this certification, organizations can demonstrate to their clients and stakeholders their compliance with the industry’s standard information security best practices, business continuity requirements, and risk management policies.  

What are the main benefits of this certification?  

There are many benefits of having the ISO 27001 certification, especially because it is recognized worldwide as an indication that your ISMS is aligned with information security best practices, which also increases the company’s resilience and reliability. Besides that, we can say that it reduces the impact and occurrence of risk by prior identification; improves internal organization; keeps confidential information secure; allows a secure exchange of sensitive information; helps organizations to comply with applicable regulations; minimizes risk exposure; builds a culture of security; protects the company’s assets, shareholders, and personnel, to name a few.

What does the ISO 27001 certification mean for LOQR?  

It is such a great milestone for LOQR because it reinforces one of our top priorities, which is to ensure that our data is safe. Our daily work involves sensitive information, our clients are financial institutions, so it is essential for us to be compliant and follow the highest security standards. The ISO 27001 certification allows us to guarantee that we are constantly working to improve risk management and security in every process and helps us to strengthen our clients’ trust. 

What were the main challenges?   

The main challenge was, with no doubt, to understand how to guarantee the highest possible information security levels. As resources are finite, both from human, time, and money perspectives, we needed to continuously adjust our efforts to get the most benefit. Right after, another important challenge was to ensure that LOQR offers (products and services) are not negatively affected by the certification process, and it can evolve alongside the application of standardized security procedures. This was a challenge involving LOQR, our clients, and suppliers.  

Another major objective was to draw the best process possible, able to comply with all other challenges, and facilitate the systematization for the procedures during the next years. If the process can be easily adopted and is properly adapted to the stakeholders’ needs, it will be easier to attain successful results and keep the process evolving during the following years. 

Finally, we want to thank our team for the effort and dedication to achieve this certification and for the continuous work to keep security as one of LOQR’s top priorities.

We will keep working to empower more digital lives and achieve the highest security standards. Well done, team!