
LOQR ranks at REGTECH TOP 21 report

Author LOQR

LOQR ranks at REGTECH TOP 21 in MEDICI and EY’s independent report.

In this report MEDICI and EY identified seven main verticals where RegTech solutions may be applied and LOQR is present in “Digital Identity, Customer Onboarding and KYC” vertical as one of the companies that use cutting-edge technologies to solve regulatory and compliance requirements more effectively and efficiently. This vertical aims to collect and process the necessary information for Customer onboarding, also for the purposes of KYC and Anti-Money Laundering (AML).

“The selection for Top 21 has been made after due consideration of both the score and the industry experts’ opinion. The selection criteria have not been limited to just “big disruptor” companies; the future outlook of companies based on the growth in traction in the industry over the past three years, unique proposition, and competitive advantage also played an important role in selecting the top contenders from a particular segment.” REGTECH TOP 21 2020 EDITION

LOQR is thrilled to be distinguished and will keep on track with its vision – ” Empowering Digital Lives”

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