
Qualified Electronic Signature: a trusted choice for digital identity verification

Author LOQR

So, what is a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES)?

Among the different types of electronic signatures stipulated in eIDAS (simple, advanced and qualified), QES is the one providing the highest level of security and authenticity for digitally proving the identity of a subject and verifying the integrity of a document. Based on a qualified certificate that reliably identifies the signatory, a QES is the only type of electronic signature that has the same legal effect as a handwritten signature, protecting the signed documents against fraud attempts and forgery.

A QES based on a qualified certificate issued in one Member State is recognised in all other Member States. Besides that, benefiting from a presumption of authenticity, a QES can only be issued by a Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP), which is supervised by a Member State supervisory authority and included in national Trusted Lists.

Explore our latest whitepaper and learn more about Qualified Electronic Signatures and how they can be used.

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