
How LOQR keeps prioritizing usability and security during the assisted interview

Author LOQR

LOQR has improved its assisted interview process, keeping security and usability at centre-stage with the new Face Match and Camera Switch features. Discover more about their benefits within LOQR’s platform. 

In times of increasing risk of fraud attempts, financial institutions want to guarantee that their digital processes are more secure than ever. Statistics show that in 2021, the average number of cyberattacks and data breaches increased by 15.1%, compared to the previous year (Alarming Cyber Statistics For Mid-Year 2022 That You Need To Know, Forbes). 

Integrating customer-centric technologies that help these institutions validate the identity of users in a seamless way while complying with the country’s regulations is what financial institutions are searching for. That’s why digital identity verification is a critical part of LOQR’s journeys.  

The identity verification process allows institutions to verify their customer’s identity in a secure way, through video biometrics, including face match, liveness detection and video interview, with or without an operator, according to the applicable risk matrix and regulations. 

Within the identity verification scope, institutions can include the assisted interview step in their journeys. The assisted interview is a live interview conducted by operators to check for liveness, veracity of information and ID Documents. With this interview, our platform is able to give an extra layer of security to businesses activity, by performing a trustworthy match between the ID photo and the person in the interview. 

In order to improve our assisted interview and keep up with increasingly strict regulations and usability demands, we have implemented two new features: the face match and the camera switch. 

Keep reading to discover more about these innovations.

Improved security during the assisted interview with Face Match

Applicable regulations regarding Digital Identity Verification varies across geographies, with the European Union common regulations trying to unify the legal framework within this field of action.

In an illustrative way, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, among other countries, have been reinforcing these regulations, and the number of the countries with stricter requirements will keep growing.

LOQR has been focused on strictly meeting these regulations in several markets, enlarging the scope of the platform in terms of procedures and its different requests, in order to anticipate the increase of requirements and be prepared when, and if, these happen.  

New funcionality face match

Amplifying the compliance, we’ve added a new level of security throughout the assisted interview process, without compromising usability to all Platform’s users: the Face Match feature.

The Face Match is an extra security feature that is becoming increasingly important to implement, due to the necessity to increase anti-fraud and AML systems. 

This feature presents several benefits, such as: 

  • Improving overall security level
  • Reducing the attempt of fraudulent activities
  • Providing the operator with additional evidence regarding the user’s real identity
  • Helping to build more confidence when accomplishing a match between a photo ID and the assisted interview photo
  • Reducing the exposure to human errors

Increased usability during the assisted interview with Camera Switch 

The assisted interview process is one of the most sensitive parts within the digital identity verification scope. For the interview to be approved, it must comply with several requisites. For example, the quality of the pictures of the ID Documents, took during the interview, must be perceptible, for them to be considered valid. 

Considering this, LOQR has implemented the Camera Switch feature in the Assisted Interview process. Now, it’s possible for the operator to switch between cameras on the user’s device during the interview. The camera switch feature enhances the quality of the captured images of the users’ ID Documents, reflecting a faster and easier experience.  

New funcionality camera switch

This feature allows a better check the veracity of the ID document while reducing the operator’s effort and errors as well as amplifying conversion rates. The positive impact of this feature can be observed with an expressive percentage:

For some of LOQR’s clients who adopted the camera switch,  around 80% of the interviews are approved on a first attempt.

Why is the Camera Switch so relevant during the Assisted Interview?

-Rear cameras on mobile devices tend to have higher resolution. By giving the operators the ability to switch cameras during   the assisted interview, we are improving the chances of conversion. 

-During interviews, frontal cameras tend to focus on the user’s face and not the ID documents. By switching to the rear camera, this problem is overcome. 

-External conditions can affect the quality of the interview, such as the quality of the device, the light restrictions and location. With the camera switch, these problems can also be overcome. 

Security, usability and compliance – these are LOQR’s business 

For banks and other financial institutions, security and usability standards are paramount. These institutions are evolving their processes to digital operations and need to do more identity checks, to face increasing risk of fraud activities, while remaining compliant and providing a seamless experience.  

With the assisted interview improved by the Face Match and Camera Switch features, LOQR aims to reach these standards, by allowing institutions to verify the identity of their customers with cutting-edge technology, built upon strict compliance regulations and usability standards. 

The assisted interview is one of our highest security stages, and LOQR’s platform is able to integrate it in all our three journeys: online account opening, customer data update and online access recovery. We are always focused on empowering digital lives, through specialized services, knowledge and expertise in AI, security, and compliance. 

If you want to learn more about our latest release, read our blog article or have a chat with our sales team at 

We are always focused on keeping client acquisition costs down. The steps and tools used by operators allow us to reduce the time and effort to verify the user identity while reducing the risk of operational errors.

Nuno Santos Product Manager

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